Mission & Vision

Jesus is our passion // People are our heart.

The Mission

We are a people caught up in Jesus' life and love we exist for his mission -

Matthew 28:19-20:
 " Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you."

The Vision

We are a Jesus-centered community who are  being formed by:
  • PRAYER AND FASTING: Relying completely on God through prayer and fasting
  •  THE PRESENCE OF GOD: Worshipping through song, prayer scripture, and testimonies as we gather each Sunday 
  • DISCIPLESHIP: Becoming like Jesus as we model our lives after his sacrificial love
  • MISSION: to see every believer living to share the good news of Jesus 
  • COMPASSION: Being the hands and feet of Jesus in our city as a witness and invitation to know God

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